ROME –  The Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage’s annulment of the takeover of the Certosa Trisulti abbey by the ‘Dignitatis Humanae Institute’ (DHI), a Judeo-Christian think tank and academy with close ties to Steve Bannon, have had their decision overturned after the DHI’s appeal was accepted by the regional appeals court (Tar) local to Latina, according to judicial sources.

27 May 2020

ROME – The Italian politician Francesco Boccia formed a proposal for the Italian government to rely on 60,000 ‘civic assistants’ to regulate nightlife and enforce the requirements of Phase 2 without the power to intervene, which sparked a furore on Tuesday as mayoral support was met by harsh criticism from politicians and online, reports Il Fatto Quotidiano. The proposal has been slammed as providing only for a burden on the state that could result in vigilantes.

26 May 2020
Emma Hempstead

BOSTON - “Things fall apart.” These words first surfaced in The Second Coming, a poem by William Butler Yeats. They have since spanned the past century, reverberated through various wars and crises, been the title of a masterpiece by Chinua Achebe, Nigerian novelist, and been uttered by Miley Cyrus, iconic American pop-star. While used to make sense of wildly different scenarios — impending political disarray versus a broken heart — this fact of life has remained constant.

26 May 2020

ROME – The United States remains “fully engaged” in the UN Food and Agriculture Organization as the largest single contributor despite owing the UN agency as much as dlrs 46 million in arrears, a spokesperson for the American Embassy to the UN food agencies said Tuesday.

The American arrears in assessed contributions to the Rome-based FAO is currently larger than that of notorious economic basket case Argentina, according to documents on the FAO website made available ahead of the upcoming programme committee meeting of the troubled agency.

26 May 2020

PALERMO – A pregnant woman, 34, who returned to Sicily from the UK with a stopover in Rome, was admitted to the Cervello hospital in the Sicilian capital on Sunday evening after testing positive for coronavirus, despite passing all the checks to board her flights, reports Corriere Della Sera.

26 May 2020

ROME – A search with a helipcopter began on Monday after a two-person private plane crashed in the Tiber river, according to local police sources. On Tuesday, through the use of sonar, divers from the Vigili del Fuoco found the small plane, and although a search began for Daniele Papa, 23, a young pupil pilot, he was found dead shortly after. The aircraft was seen falling at 3:25 p.m.

26 May 2020

ROME – Sant'Egidio, the lay Catholic association dedicated to social causes, registered their alarm on Monday, on Africa Day, over the reduction in aid due to the coronavirus crisis at a time when it is needed more than ever, and expressed their concern that during a pandemic, "we must also deal with Africa, which at this moment is suffering more than the other continents due to the effects of the economic crisis linked to COVID-19,” read a press statement.

25 May 2020

AGRIGENTO – A reported 400 migrants landed on the Sicilian beach in Palma di Montechiaro on Sunday at 2:00 p.m., with video taken by beach-goers showing an inflatable vessel moving along the coast, pushing up against the rocks, and migrants hurrying to disembark. Later that Sunday afternoon, another vessel, this time carrying 52 migrants, landed in Linosa, the tiny volcanic island in the Mediterranean.

25 May 2020

VATICAN CITY – Swiss holding companies worth hundreds of millions of euros and created through the Lateran Pact, have been dismantled, closed, and their assets transferred into the oldest Vatican holdings in Switzerland, the ‘Profima Société Immobilière et de Participations of Geneva’, established in 1929 on behalf of Pope Pius XI, reports Corriere Della Sera.

22 May 2020
