Frances Timberlake

 VATICAN CITY -- A seven-months-pregnant woman working as Pope Francis' receptionist secretary has been discovered dead in her apartment in Rome, where her body had been for several days before being found by her brother, police sources say.

24 Feb 2016
Corinna Harrison

 The great Italian novelist and intellectual Umberto Eco, died at the age of 84, after shooting to stardom with his bestselling medieval detective novel The Name of the Rose in his middle years, and founding the communications department at the University of San Marino amongst many other achievements. Eco never saw himself as an author, famously saying, “I am a philosopher.  I write novels only on the weekends.”

24 Feb 2016
Frances Timberlake

 ROME -- Italy has been convicted by the European Court of Human Rights for allowing the abduction, illegal detention and torture of former imam Abu Omar, the Egyptian political exile and terror suspect seized in Italy in 2003 in part of the CIA's 'extraordinary rendition' operation.

 Italy has been condemned by the Strasbourg court for multiple violations of Abu Omar's human rights, among which the right to remain free from torture and inhuman treatment, and the right to a family, from who he was forcibly separated.

23 Feb 2016

 MILAN -- In a protest against animal testing and fur clothing a trio of models stripped off in front of the Cathedral in the Piazza del Duomo, in the heart of the city.  This protest comes in time for Milan Fashion Week, which will start on Wednesday.  Braving the cold, the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) supporters dressed in nothing but see-through tights, knickers and gas masks, holding signs that warned, “Fur is Toxic.”

23 Feb 2016
Corinna Harrison

 ROME -- Italy has given the United States permission to fly armed drones out of Sicily in the military campaign against Islamic State in Libya, sources said on Tuesday.  This permission, however, came without the necessary discussion in parliament.  The airbase in question is Sigonella, not far from Mount Etna.

23 Feb 2016

ROME – As many as 30 low-paid staff at the FAO's Shared Service Centre in Budapest have decamped to the UNICEF office in the Hungarian capital to enjoy higher pay and opportunities despite the UN agency's Director General José Graziano da Silva appealing to the UNICEF head to block the exodus, FAO sources say.

 “Graziano was told it was not his place to prevent staff getting better conditions, namely pay,” the sources said.

22 Feb 2016
Corinna Harrison

 ROME -- “To celebrate the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Italy and Japan we have organised several events over the following days: we are particularly happy to welcome those present and the participants to this important convention on the father of the Macrobiotic diet and philosophy, who is important around the world,” stated the Japanese Ambassador Kazuyoshi Umemoto at the first commemorative day for “Georges Ohsawa-Yukikazu Sakurazawa (1893-1966). A life dedicated to teaching and the search for freedom.”

22 Feb 2016
Corinna Harrison

 ROME -- In a press conference Monday Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said Brexit would be “much more of a problem for Britain than for Europe.”  Other topics covered included the European Union Summit held in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, Italy’s standpoint on immigration, the Civil Unions Bill, and Renzi’s upcoming meeting with French President François Hollande.

22 Feb 2016
Corinna Harrison

ROME -- Francesco Aureli, the Save the Children Representative to International Institutions, will be presenting a talk entitled ‘Development, not aid!’ for the International Relations & Global Politics Program at the Auriana Auditorium on Thursday, March 10.

22 Feb 2016
