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Missile strikes Vatican embassy in Syria
Did the NSA spy on Pope Francis?
World Bank President and Pope fight poverty together
Books: Pope Francis's controversial past
ROME-Pope Francis's embryonic papacy has been fresh air for many Catholics-The enthusiastic extrovert, impatient of formality, eager to preach and practice the essential message of God’s untiring f
Pope reiterates strong condemnation for antisemitism
Pope calls for justice system reform
Pope Francis and Caravaggio: Part Two
Radical reform organisations call for audience with pope
Pope Francis and Caravaggio
Sant'Egidio says Peshawar massacre "will trigger conversions"
The Retro future of Pope Francis
Ratification of the "Appeal of the City of Rome for Central Africa"
Francis names new Vatican "prime minister"
VATICAN CITY– Pope Francis named Veneto archbishop Pietro Parolin Vatican Secretary of State Saturday to replace much criticised Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Holy See said.
Holy See Diplomatic corps congratulates new Scottish Archbishop
VATICAN CITY – The British Ambassador to the Holy See has congratulated Monsignor Leo Cushley, 52, on his recent appointment as Archbishop to St Andrews and Edinburgh after a career as a Vatican di
"Gay lobby" charges blight Pope Brazil trip
VATICAN CITY – Members of the “gay lobby”in the Curia covered up the past of an allegedly gay prelate appointed by the Pope to clean up the Vatican bank, L’Espresso magazine reports.
Time For Clarity
Brazil prepares for landmark Pope visit
Pope's first encyclical presented
Miracle launches John Paul to sainthood
Vatican "closure" on Orlandi protested
Top Vatican bank officials quit
Prelate, spy, arrested in money laundering crackdown
Catholics hail 100 days of Pope Francis
IFAD link to confessed kidnapper of Emanuela Orlandi
ROME– A self-syled secret agent who claims he helped kidnap Vatican schoolgirl Emanuela Orlandi was convicted for killing in 1983 the son of a Uruguayan official at the UN food agency IFAD, police