Lucia Guerrieri

   MILAN - Two Chinese citizens confronted a man stealing dozens of lottery tickets from their bar in Milan. The intruder was killed by 20 blows from a pair of scissors, according to the Milan Police Department

18 Oct 2024
Tarquin Parry-Wingfield

 ROME - Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has left for Lebanon where she will attend a double meeting with Prime Minister Najib Mkati and the President of the National Assembly of Lebanon, Nabih Berri. Prime Minister Meloni intends to show “Italy’s willingness to contribute to the stabilisation of the Israeli Lebanese border” and ask them to protect Italian soldiers.

18 Oct 2024
David Bayne-Jardine
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 ROME - Milan's State Police are in the process of carrying out investigations across Italy into a 'national network' of neo-Nazi minors, according to police sources. 

17 Oct 2024

 ROME – The World Food Programme Chief of Staff, Ms Meghan Latcovich, a former U.S: Navy helicopter pilot, is raising many eyebrows at the UN agency’s Rome headquarters since she is mainly working from home at her kitchen in Washington DC, apart from when she accompanies the Executive  Director, on trips, WFP sources say.

16 Oct 2024
Tarquin Parry-Wingfield

 VATICAN CITY - During Pope Francis’ Angelus to a packed St Peter’s Square on Oct. 13, We are Church (WAC) raised a banner reading “EQUALITY” in support of the pontiff..

 However, within five minutes, the seven WAC representatives were ordered to take down their banister  and were detailed by the police for up to 4 hours.

16 Oct 2024