Lyndsay Weatherall

  ROME -- A female bear captured in the north of Lake Garda is suspected to be the bear responsible for the attack on a hiker in Dro on July 16, and risks being culled, the province of Trento have said. 

  The bear was captured using a tube trap and was then rereleased after being fitted with a radio collar and having genetic samples taken. Tests are set to be carried out in order to determine if the bear is a match for KJ1, which attacked a hiker in Naroncolo in Dro. 

26 Jul 2024
Lyndsay Weatherall

  ROME -- The armed forces will now be able to “fight” wild boar thanks to a new agricultural decree created in a bid to contain the booming boar population. 

25 Jul 2024
Lyndsay Weatherall

  ROME -- A fire raging through San Felice Bay, a wooded coastal area near Vieste in Gargano in the north of Puglia, causing thousands to be displaced, is suspected to be caused by arson. 

  The regional authorities ordered aerial aid to be deployed to help tackle the flames, including two Canadairs and a helicopter from the fire brigade’s department. On the ground, responders from the Civil Protection have been working to extinguish the fire. 

25 Jul 2024
Lyndsay Weatherall

  ROME -- Catania airport reopened on Tuesday evening, after closing due to ongoing activity from Mount Etna, SAC, the airport’s managing company has said. 

  Etna, the stratovolcano, stirred to life this week, showing new activity and raining ash over areas of Catania in Sicily. The volcanic cloud emitted by Etna’s Voragine crater could be seen from kilometres away, with the growing plume of smoke covering the surrounding area in a layer of ash. 

24 Jul 2024
Lyndsay Weatherall

  ROME -- Italy’s right-wing League party has protested against a new bill proposed by one of their own members, which would introduce a fine for those who choose to use the feminine form of public titles.  

  The new bill was proposed by Senator Manfredi Potenti, a member of the League party, which the league party has referred to as a “wholly personal” decision.

23 Jul 2024