Pope the first as Vatican starts vaccinations
VATICAN CITY - The press office of the Holy See has revealed that the Vatican have begun their campaign to vaccinate against Covid-19.
Pictures have been released of the vaccination centre in Paul VI Audience Hall, as the campaign began on Wednesday and will prioritise health care personnel, the elderly and those most in contact with the public.
The Vatican press office has confirmed Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI were the first to be vaccinated on Wednesday. In an interview with Canale 5, the Pope said that it is "the ethical option, because you are playing with your health, life, but also with the lives of others."
Vatican News has reported that the campaign is entirely voluntary, though administered by qualified medical staff. All citizens of the Vatican and any adults entitled to the Vatican health care system will be eligible. The Directorate of Health and Hygiene of the Vatican's Governorate has promised enough doses to cover the Holy See and citizens of the Vatican.