Comment: For the love of God and poetry

SALERNO -- “Faith is love and therefore creates poetry and music.” That’s what Pope Benedict XVI said during an audience. I am convinced of the truth of these words because if faith is love and it is capable of creating art, then through it, it is possible to gain greater understanding of God and all that is revealed through him.
Art, especially poetry, as far as I’m concerned, is what I’ve been living for more than 30 years. I met her and never abandoned her again until she became my greatest means of expression.
I sing of life, I write verses that help me recognize the intricate threads of existence where all the plans of our daily lives are confused; among these the religious aspect has become the subject of deep and thorough reflection.
Meditations accompany me and with them I uncover the presence of beauty, the joy of living and being one with God and creation.
My heart opens to the desire to learn and here theology becomes free of its obstinacy because poetry manages to introduce me to it with a simplicity that unravels through verses that flow rapidly and are rich with meaning.
This unfolding of the Christian way in my lyrics has given me the wonderful opportunity to meet senior prelates and important ecclesiastics; including Cardinals Mario Grech, Gianfranco Ravasi, Giovanni Battista Re, Crescenzio Sepe and Mons. Giuseppe Agostino, Ep. Em. Diocese of Cosenza-Bisignano, who put me on the path to poetic writing, also introducing me to it through spirituality and meditative skills.
There would still be other distinguished clergymen and with some I maintain epistolary communications, originating because poetic art has been the point of contact and, with pride I must say, I have had important and valuable acknowledgment, as well as reviews and reflections of my work that have sparked a special conviction in me: the Church and especially some of its representatives are the strength that bear witness to art as a way to spread Christian values, which is the reason for living, to bring us together with God and our neighbour.