Over 100,000 euros raised by ‘Restaurants Against Hunger’ initiative

The first-place winning restaurant - Ristorante La Caciara

 ROME – Italy’s “Mai Più Fame” (Never Hungry Again) Action Against Hunger project has seen a great success with its 2022 “Restaurants Against Hunger” initiative raising over 100,000 euros from 133 participating restaurants, the group announced in a press release on Thursday. 

 Restaurants Against Hunger is “a concrete way to contribute to combating food insecurity in Italy and around the world, and today it takes on an even more important value in view of the global food crisis we are currently experiencing,” said the group in Thursday’s statement. 

 During the annual initiative, in participating restaurants, pizzerias and sandwich shops, customers can donate two euros by choosing the “solidarity dish” from the menu, 50 cents for the “solidarity pizza” and the same amount for each bottle of water ordered. 

 The organisers have highlighted the achievements of 49 participating restaurants who took part in the campaign which ran from October 16 to December 31 2022. These restaurants are known as “Super Solidarity” restaurants.  

 “These are the 49 restaurants, out of a total 133, that distinguished themselves for their generosity and the energy with which they took part in this initiative, raising a sum of 61,000 euros out of a total 100,000 euros.”

 Director of Action Against Hunger, Simone Garroni, has commented on the success of the campaign saying that it is “An important result, made even more significant by the difficult context that is severely affecting the Italian economy and the catering sector.”

 “The chefs and restauranteurs responded with commitment and enthusiasm to the call that saw them involved in a great solidarity competition, together with their customers, whom we thank for their valuable contribution to our projects in Italy and around the world,” Garroni continued. 

 As many as nine restaurants (including three Michelin-starred) were awarded the “gold hat” for reaching and largely exceeding the target of 1,500 euros. A special mention goes to Ristorante La Caciara which far exceeding its target during the campaign period, raising over 6,000 euros. 

 “We have always thought that around a table there is never enough food. What surrounds the guests is what we are most interested in enhancing, what they will really remember, the taste that will remain in their mouths at the end, is none other than the experience one has, made up of what one can touch and what one can feel,” declared Chiara Tosato, the owner of La Caciara. 

 “Our performances, the laughter, the stories, the awareness of having been well while helping someone in need. This is why we immediately embraces the Restaurants Against Hunger project, which gave an extra meaning and taste to each dish,” Tosato continued. 

 As many as 16 restaurants were awarded the “silver hat” for raising over 1,000 euros. Among the 10 Michelin-starred restaurants in this category, the number one was the Roman restaurant La Terrazza, which narrowly missed out on a space in the gold category. 

 The “bronze hat” was awarded to 24 restaurants, of which 14 had a Michelin star. The first place winner in this category was Rome’s Ristorante All’Oro. 

 Thanks to the funds raised, Action Against Hunger will be able to continue to finance important projects combatting hunger and malnutrition including the “Mai Più Fame” project in Italy which helps with employment support and fights against food poverty. The project’s aim is to expand the number of people it reaches and to bring intervention also to Naples. 

 Discover the complete list of the 49 “Super Solidarity” restaurants at the following link: www.ristoranticontrolafame.it/it/ristoranti_super_solidali/

 Find out more about Action Against Hunger: www.azionecontrolafame.it
