Report shows nearly 5,000 migrants dead in 2016

A total of 19,429 unaccompanied minors have arrived in Italy in 2016

 ROME – According to the Third Report of International Protection, from Jan. to Nov., 2016, 4,899 migrants have lost their lives in the attempt to reach European shores, 2,354 of which died in the Mediterranean ocean.

 Over the first 10 months of 2016, reveals the study, 159,432 migrants arrived in Italy, a 13 percent increase compared to 2015 statistics. Of this number, 19,429 were unaccompanied minors (12.1 percent).

 The report also shows that in 2015, 1,393,350 questions of international protection were raised in Europe, a value “over double the amount received the previous year.” Germany is the country with the most international protection requests, reaching a total of 476, 620, followed by Hungary, Sweden, Austria and Italy.

 Since 2015, there have been over 65 million forced migrants across the globe. Of this number, 21.3 million were refugees, 40.8 were internally displaced and 3.2 million were asylum seekers.

 Last year on a worldwide scale, around 34, 000 people a day were being forced to flee their houses due to conflict and crisis. According to the report, this is equivalent to 24 people every minute.
