Rome braces for sandstorm: experts warn of high levels of dust

  ROME -- A sandstorm from the Sahara is expected to hit Rome on Monday according to forecasts from Weather Lazio. 

   Sand precipitation is expected to exceed one thousand micrograms per square metre. “It is a truly high if not exceptional amount of fine dust.” explained Gabriele Serafini, founder of Weather Lazio and member of Ampro, the professional weather organisation. 

  “It is a fairly recurring phenomenon in spring when the atmosphere at these latitudes begins to undergo changes due to the passing of the seasons” Serafini continued, “There are still some depressions that succeed in pushing as far as the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean Basin until they reach even Italy.” 

  The storm is caused by the Sirocco winds which bring with them dust and sand from the Sahara across the Mediterranean and into Europe. 

  Levels of dust are, however, expected to decrease in the coming weeks. 

