ROME - Virginia Raggi, the Mayor of Rome, has visited Auschwitz concentration camp. This follows the incident last month where Lazio fans stuck anti-Semitic stickers to the walls of the Olympic stadium in Rome, bearing the image of Anne Frank wearing a Roma jersey.

7 Nov 2017

ROME - Nobel Prize winner Bob Dylan will be performing at the Parco della Musica Auditorium this April. Dylan has been a widely celebrated American singer-songwriter for decades. He became a household name through his inspirational music recorded in the 1960s during the Civil Rights Movement. 

7 Nov 2017

ROME - In a dramatic turn of events, Benevento scored a goal against league front runners Juventus. Benevento, dead last in the league and with odds as low as 1/75, managed to score, before losing 2-1.  Benevento coach Roberto De Zerbi took the goal against the front runners as a sign a hope and insisted that the team can turn around their 12/12 losing streak, the worst start to season in the big European leagues since Man United in 1930. Perhaps De Zerbi is counting in years rather than weeks, even then, from rock bottom the only way is up.

6 Nov 2017

PALERMO -- Centre-right candidate Nello Musumeci won weathervane elections to become Sicilian regional president Monday, garnering 40 percent of the vote compared with 34.6 percent for the radical Five Star Movement (M5S) party candidate Giancarlo Cancellieri, electoral officials said.

6 Nov 2017

ROME - The Five Star Movement (M5S) has narrowly won the first round of mayoral elections in the seaside town of Ostia near Rome, their candidate, Giuliana Di Pillo, gained 30.3 percent of the vote. Commentators have emphasised the importance of the mayoral election as a litmus test for Roman sentiment as a whole which makes this a significant result for Roman mayor and M5S member, Virginia Raggi.

6 Nov 2017

ROME - Orvieto councillor, Massimo Gnagnarini, resigned on Thursday following a facebook post in which he joked that the Nazi genocide of the Roma people couldn’t stop them begging at the local train station.  

 Understandably people were offended by the councillor’s comment that "Uncle Adolf also tried to make some remedies, politically very incorrect, but even he didn't succeed."

3 Nov 2017

CATANIA - Former Prime Minister and Forza Italia (FI) leader, Silvio Berlusconi, has announced that an alliance pact has been agreed with the Northern League and Brothers of Italy (FDI) for next year’s general election.

3 Nov 2017

ROME - Investigators are concluding their initial investigation into the stampede in Turin in June. The tragedy occured during the screening of the Champion League final between Juventus and Real Madrid. 20 notices have been issues including city councillors, managers, and organisers of the event.

 Maria Paolini, a student present at the event, recounted the events of the night. “A bright light went off in the second half and someone shouted bomb … everyone ran to the closest exit, probably 500 people trying to go through a single one way exit.”

3 Nov 2017

ROME - Giulio Regeni, the Cambridge student tortured to death in Cairo, was likely gathering information to “complete dossiers to be used by British intelligence,” according to Italian former general Dino Tricarico. The general is a former security advisor to Palazzo Chigi and president of the Icsa Foundation, a respected think tank on security issues and intelligence.

3 Nov 2017
