Laura Simmons

ROME- Italy’s real GDP growth is to fall further in 2013, the OECD has forecast. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) publishes an Economic Outlook biannually, with data forecasting gross domestic product (GDP) growth of its member countries.

27 Nov 2012
Bill Scott

ROME - The season-ending ATP World Tour Finals concluded this month amid growing dissatisfaction in the game over a self-inflicted scheduling crush which led to the abandonment of the traditional rest and preparation week before the eight-man event in London's O2 arena.

Among those caught out by the schedule chance were Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray, both of whom came to the British capital in less-than-perfect form and voicing concerns about the newly shortened ATP calendar.

27 Nov 2012

 ROME - The work of Elisabetta Valgiusti, a documentary on Egypt’s Copt Christians, has been shown to an intimate audience at the Chamber of the Deputies.
The hour-long footage explores the history and tradition of the Coptic Christians, and the persecution they are facing in modern-day Egypt through the interviews of different members of the Christian community and their experiences in recent years.
  Today there are 12 million Copts in Egypt, representing 10 percent of the country's population, making them the single biggest Christian minority in the Middle East.

27 Nov 2012

ROME - The British Ambassador to Italy, Christopher Prentice, condemned sexual violence of women in an article which appeared in L'Espresso.

The Ambassador highlighted how this year’s International day for the elimination of violence against women, which took place last Sunday, was “particularly important” for the United Kingdom. “The British government has decided to put itself in the front line of the struggle against sexual violence in war zones,” he said, “a modern-day atrocity … which will be at the centre of our mandate for presidency of the G8 in 2013.”

26 Nov 2012
Laura Simmons

ROME - A 15-year-old committed suicide after receiving mocking comments which can be interpreted as homophobic.

Andrea was found by his younger brother earlier this week, hanged by the neck with a scarf from the stairs in their home. Many have blamed the tragedy on bullying the youth received for his colourful fashion sense.

23 Nov 2012
Laura Simmons

ROME - Mystery still shrouds the kidnapping of ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi's accountant as facts emerge a month later. Giuseppe Spinelli and his wife were kept hostage for 11 hours at their home near Milan last month.

21 Nov 2012

ROMA OSTIENSE – As the train slowly entered the station, I spotted laundry at the end of a platform. Are they back? Would he be among them?

I knew the authorities had cleared the station. Though the excited tourists and busy commuters had never minded the lethargic refugees, the police had evicted them. The stakes were high: food chain “Eataly” was to open its flagship store in a terminal. The refugees who were fainting from hunger had to make room for a gourmet store.

16 Nov 2012

VENICE- A decadent Tintoretto room in the Grande Arciconfraternita on Piazza San Rocco was embellished with 100 formally dressed men and maidens for Anonimo Venezia, a project branding the “Venetian way of living” as an economic value and richly appropriate lifestyle.

14 Nov 2012

TARANTO – Royal Navy sailors aboard the carrier HMS Illustrious were breaking out the rum Sunday to celebrate Taranto Day, anniversary of the 1940 destruction of Italy's fleet, Navy sources said.

 The Illustrious, a helicopter carrying vessel now that the UK Government destroyed its Harrier Jump Jets in cost cutting measures, was cruising close to the Apulian port of Taranto. Swordfish biplanes from the earlier HMS Illustrious firing torpedoes crippled Benito Mussolini’s Regia Marina fleet in a daring raid on the night of Nov.11-12, 1940.

11 Nov 2012
