Social tourism event in Viterbo

Viterbo Domus La Quercia

ROME -- Viterbo will host the 12th edition of the Social and Associated Tourism Exchange (BTSA) to be be held at the Domus La Quercia venue from March 3-6. The event is organised by the In Rete Company that owns the "Target Market - Borsa del Turismo Sociale e Associato" brands, and by CAT (Centro Assistenza Tecnica Sviluppo Imprese Viterbo), with the Lazio Region, Unioncamere Lazio, Viterbo Chamber of Commerce, the Tourism Authority for the Viterbo Province, the Città dei Papi City Council and ENIT as partners.

 The workshop, scheduled for March 5, will focus on about 100 buyers (CRAL, recreation clubs, cultural associations, sports clubs and associations, parishes, etc.) and more than 350 sellers (travel agents, tour operators, tourism promotion bodies, consortiums, airline, railway and maritime companies, public and private transport companies, services companies, hotel and non-hotel hospitality companies, etc.).

 The buyers are expected to include a good number of foreign operators coming from German speaking markets (Germany, Austria and Switzerland), Northern Europe (Britain and Scandinavia), and Eastern Europe (Poland and the Czech Republic).

The 12th edition of BTSA will be held from March 3-6
Palazzo Papale, Viterbo