How Good Relationship Affects Your Health

It’s very difficult to find a person who sincerely doesn’t want to meet a soulmate and start a healthy relationship. Love, respect and support are the three pillars of a good and strong relationship, and a single women website is a keystone to success in that endeavor. According to scientists, your health is affected not only by weather conditions, environment, and genetic code but also by your emotional state. The latter one depends much on the level of your happiness and satisfaction with the personal relationship. So, how can a good relationship affect your health from different sides?

Level of anxiety and depression.

Problems in personal relationships can lead not only to hysterics but also to very serious diseases, they increase the risk of social phobia and anxiety disorder. A good relationship, on the contrary, protects you against these problems. The partners who are satisfied with each other less often suffer from mental disorders, and couples who have good relationships face anxiety as well as depression far less frequently. Meanwhile, depression is one of the root causes of many breakups.

Level of happiness.

Not only sex helps you cope with everyday stress. When you hug a loved one, your blood level of oxytocin rises, this hormone is responsible for cheering you up and neutralizing anxiety. In women, the embraces lower blood pressure as well as reduce a level of cortisol, a stress hormone. Embrace can last even a few seconds, but it helps deal with stress and anxiety. It sounds like an excuse to hug someone you love.

Change in weight.

It has long been known that people tend to gain excess weight when they get married, as well as they tend to lose it after a divorce. However, nowadays, there are many reverse situations, when the people who are in good relationships motivate each other to go to the gym, or one of them tries to match a good-looking partner. Discontent with a relationship leads to constant stress and the desire to compensate for the shortcomings of personal life with food.

Alcohol addiction.

The amount of taking alcohol depends on the partner’s attitude to alcohol. Over time, the attitude toward alcohol varies depending on the views of the spouse, this fact is proved by a study involving 600 couples. People start drinking alcohol more often when they face frequent quarrels and a high level of stress in a relationship. Strong and happy relationships are prevention from alcohol addiction.

Arterial pressure.

This point is affected by many factors like the level of stress, physical activity, diet, the presence of diseases and relationships. People who are in good relationships are less likely to suffer from blood pressure changes. 

Heart disease.

Unfortunately, diseases of the cardiovascular system are manifested not only in increasing blood pressure. Happy couples suffer from stroke much less frequent, and the tolerability of heart surgery is higher than that of single people or those who are in bad relationships. The emotional factor plays an important role in the formation of such statistics, spousal support helps stabilize the hormonal background and makes it easier to tolerate diseases.

Concern for the health.

Sometimes, a partner’s care can seem too intrusive, for example, when you do not want to wear a hat in winter or drink a tasteless medicine. However, people who are in good relationships start leading a healthy lifestyle, they become more sensitive to their health. If you constantly care about your partner, then their responsibility for themselves will be higher, and they will start cherishing themselves for your sake.
