Treasure of Antiquity, Winckelmann and Museo Capitolino

Busto di Faustina Minore, Musei Capitolini, inv. S 449. Photo: Zeno Colantoni.

ROME - The exhibition "The Treasure of Antiquity: Winckelmann and the Museo Capitolino in 18th-century Rome" , currently in Rome, celebrates the important Winckelmannian anniversaries of 2017 (300 years since his birth) and 2018 (250 years after his death) and fits into the context of the European events coordinated by the Winckelmann Gesellschaft of Stendal, by the Germanic Archaeological Institute of Rome and by the Vatican Museums.

 The exhibition has a dual purpose: the first, to offer visitors the story of the crucial years that led, in Dec 1733, to the establishment of the Museo Capitolino, the first public museum in Europe, intended not only for conservation but also to the promotion of the "magnificence and splendour of Rome"; the second, presenting the Capitoline sculptures in a different light, or through the intuitions, often brilliant, of the great Johann Joachim Winckelmann.


 Rome, at Musei Capitolini from 7th December 2017 to 22nd April 2018, Exhibition Halls of Palazzo Caffarelli, the Left Ground Halls of Palazzo Nuovo and the Halls of Palazzo Nuovo

 Catalogue: Gangemi Editore

 By Gianfranco Nitti
G.B. Piranesi, Veduta del Campidoglio, 1761-1778, Museo di Roma, inv. MR 2633.