Young couple drown in pursuit of perfect selfie

Rescue attempts were futile

 PESCARA-- Carabinieri were reconstructing Wednesday the death of a young couple who fell into rapids at Caramanico Terme, in the Pescara province, while trying to take a selfie.

 The incident happened on Monday afternoon when the couple, 32-year-old Silvia d’Ercole and 34-year-old Giuseppe Pirocchi, from Chieti, went to admire the Santa Lucia rapid. D’Ercole lost her footing when trying to take the selfie, Giuseppe tried to save her but also fell into the river, and the pair were carried upstream by the current, drowning as a result.

 They were on holiday with their friends and two children, five and eight years old.

 “It’s an immense tragedy that affects the entire community,” commented the mayor of Scerni, the town in Chieti where the Pirocchi and d’Ercole lived.

 The Carabinieri and State Forestry Corps are attempting to reconstruct the exact chain of events, which took place in an area notable for its fast currents and slippery rocks.   

