Asiago and WWI; Exhibition for the 100 Years Celebration

The poster for the exhibition


  ASIAGO - The small town in Veneto is celebrating the 100 years anniversary of the beginning of Italian involvement in WWI at the Museum "Le Carceri" with a photography exhibition from July 19th 2015 - February 28th 2016, displaying powerful images of the soldiers' life during 1914 - 1918. 


  The exhibition is well placed thanks to its location in Asiago, where the WWI memorial, built in 1938, is also situated, housing remains of over 50,000 Italian and Austro-Hungarian soldiers. The location also houses between 22,000 Italian and 12,000 Austro-Hungarian unknown buried soldiers. Photographs, letters, portraits, and objects from the wars 1915 - 1916, and 1917 - 1918 are also on display. The architecture reflects the time in which it was built and inaugurated by Italian leader of the time Benito Mussolini, with a particularly fascist style. 


  "The Great War […] has lived in the North - East, one of its most decisive fronts. From Asiago, to Vittorio Veneto, from Piave, to Dobbiaco, over one thousand soldiers from both fronts have lost their lives. Divided by history, yet united by the pain," says Clodovaldo Ruffano, President of the Regional Council of Veneto, "This exhibition does not want to celebrate a victory, rather remember a painful period of our human history." 


  Soldiers walking, resting, or fighting, the exhibition shows multiple sides to the war. A hundred  years since Italy’s participation began, a hundred photos on display, each one symbolically representing every year that separates us from May 24th, 1915 when Italy decided to enter the war.  The main subjects are also refugees, survivors, prisoners, demonstrating us that the reality goes beyond just the facts. 


  Villa Patt is where the exhibition is housed, in collaboration with the Province of Belluno, and funded by the National Italian Alpine Trooper Association. 


  On November 4,  Asiago celebrated the 100 years anniversary of their participation in the war with a march, presented by the Major Roberto Rigoni Stern. Students, parents, and faculties from the surrounding schools, and citizens walked with the musicians from the Memorial into the town. The Austrian and Austro-Hungarian flags were placed near the memorial, as well as the Italian flag placed all over the town. 


  The Museum "Le Carceri" will be housing the exhibition until December 5, on weekends from 10:00 a .m.  - 12:30 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.. The exhibition will then be open everyday at the same hours between December 5th - 8th, December 24th 2015 and February 14th. Closed between 25/12/2015 - 01/01/2016. 


  Tickets cost 3Euros, free for those under 6, and for the disabled. For more information the website contains contact information, and opening hours.