Region Apulia gets award at ITB Berlin

BERLIN--Apulia's delegate for Tourism Silvia Godelli announced that "for the second consecutive year, the stand of Apulia was honored at ITB Berlin as the 3rd best exhibitor in the category Europe with the Best Exhibitor Award, organized by the Cologne Business School. This year we placed third, after Austria and Poland."

 The Oscar for tourism of the ITB, the most important tourism fair in the world, was delivered to Puglia at the fair during a ceremony attended by more than six hundred guests from all over the world. Among the criteria for the award were: innovation, sustainability, design, creativity, accessibility, staff motivation, quality of organization, budget.

 In Berlin fairgrounds, where over ten thousand international operators from all over the world were present, the stand of Apulia (Puglia) was the focus of much attention, and with a significant influx of visitors. In addition to the business meetings of individual Apulian operators at the fair, a number of meetings were also held between Pugliapromozione (Apulia Promotion Agency) and some major tour operators and agencies such as Dertour, which can trigger a stronger collaboration and new charter air flights. According to the survey Reise Analise 2014 presented in Berlin during the ITB, 60% of German tourists are strongly interested in enabling sustainable tourism destinations, in contact with nature, genuine food and away from the bustle of the more popular tourist destinations, and therefore the Apulian tourist offer is designed to become an even bigger success. The ITB Berlin also created an opportunity to launch the 2014 road show #weareinpuglia that Pugliapromozione organized in Germany, as well as in Vienna, Paris, Londonand Dublin.

 PugliaVillagewill bring a piece of the Puglia region to the square in Berlin's Sony Center from 28 April to 6 May and to Munich’s Olympiapark from May 15 to 24 .