EU to Italy: You must fix ILVA problem

The ILVA factory in Taranto, Italy
ROME - The European Union has warned Italy that it must guarantee a fix for its troubled steel plant ILVA, or face potential fines, Italian newspaper Corriere del Mezzogiorno reports. 
ILVA is Europe's largest steel plant, and according to officials in Brussels, recent laboratory tests show that its productions have created toxic emissions at levels high above current environmental standards. These elevated levels of pollution are visible in air, soil, and water samples taken from the plant, as well as in others collected from surrounding residential areas in the southern city of Taranto. Furthermore, environmental rights protestors have claimed that this pollution has inflicted serious consequences on human health. Accordingly, the European Commission has urged Italy to address this issue or face fines.
While plans of the cleanup have already been scheduled, they are estimated to take nearly two years to complete and many are reluctant on whether it will be possible. The EU Environment Commissioner, Janez Potocnik, stated that he hopes "the good intentions of the governement" are "followed by concrete steps and actions." The European Commission is expecting a formal response from Italy within two months regarding measures it will take.