Foreign press inaugurates new headquarters in Berlusconi's Roman digs

President Mattarella delivered a history of the Foreign Press Association

 ROME - The new Roman headquarters of the Association of the Foreign Press in Italy, ASEI, inaugurated in the presence of the Head of State Sergio Mattarella, gave the Italian and foreign media who described the event the opportunity to revisit memories, of various kinds, Berlusconi's years around Italy, as the new Press headquarters were for many years the Roman residence of the Italian magnate and politician. 

 In the media descriptions, Berlusconi's allergy to contacts with correspondents was recalled, as well as the occasions of numerous political, and not very political, meetings which took place in the museum-like rooms of the seventeenth-century Palazzo Grazioli, property of a Roman noble family. There are prurient quotes on the personal affairs of the Prime Minister of the time too, which were a godsend for crime or crime reporters, and which perhaps it is time to put back on the shelves of Italian political history and customs.

 As written by some, the new headquarters on the first floor of the building, which resembles a museum more than a work facility, has undergone important and authorized renovations which undoubtedly make it unique in Europe, and perhaps in the world, as a central operational of the approximately 400 correspondents of the Association, founded in 1912 by a handful of correspondents based in Rome at that time.

 After the ritual greeting to President Mattarella by the President of the Association, the Turkish Esma Çakir, the Italian Head of State, who had made a quick tour of the headquarters, expressed his gratitude for the invitation to be present in such a significant moment: the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Press Association. In expressing his best wishes, saying he was happy to see such a beautiful new headquarters, even as an honorary member, Mattarela said he appreciated this sharing, recalling how, over a century ago, the history of the Association began. As recalled by the President, it was the moment in which Europe was going through the 'belle époque', then overwhelmed, after two years, by the terrible condition of the Great War. Until two years ago, Europe lived not in a belle époque, but in an 'époque de paix', which we hope to be able to fully defend, preserve and restore.

 The history of the Association is important, with the foreign correspondents who have multiplied, together with the information tools that continually change in this era. All this has not seen the spirit of the presence of correspondents in Rome, Italy, change. Mattarella said that he has always accompanied this work, this activity, with two commitments: independence of judgment and in-depth knowledge of Italy. These integrative activities of the Association - such as learning more about Italian culture, cinema, cuisine, the Italian lifestyle and sport - are fundamental to interpreting and describing Italy in an authentic way. The role of the free press is decisive, being the indispensable safeguard of people's freedom. The President highlighted how the Italian Republic expresses gratitude towards foreign media correspondents, wishing them good luck in their activities, aware that the world is increasingly integrated and interconnected, requiring collaborative relationships.

Mattarella was echoed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani and the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, with speeches of appreciation and support for the Association. It is right to remember that the latter has the power to grant the seat to the Association, a seat that is made available by the Italian State, which is probably unique in the world. Urso said, among other things, that "since the beginning of the legislature we have improved the context for the economic internationalization of our country and for foreign investments. In recent months, foreign investments have grown significantly and the Italian stock market index has grown significantly, more than any other stock exchange". There then followed interventions by the sponsors who collaborated in setting up the new headquarters.