Peace marchers walk throughout the night to protest the war in Ukraine

Rome- Today marks the one-year anniversary of the Russian- Ukrainian conflict, which inspired a large group of people around the Umbria region to gather for a pacifist march to protest the ongoing conflict.

 After departing a little after midnight, from the gardens of the Frontone in Perugia, the peace marchers arrived at around 6 in the morning in Assisi’s main square. 

 The march lasted all night and was accompanied by torchlight, with the motive “​​against all the wars that continue in Ukraine and in too many other parts of the world”. The work of Aldo Capitini, an Italian philosopher with specific interests in non-violence as an approach to conflict resolution inspired the idea. 

 The walk attracted a wide array of people, including friars of the Sacred Convent of Assisi, historical pacifists, and young people from around the region who all walked all night with torches, signs, and gonfalons to demonstrate their aversion to the conflict. Many of the protesters also chanted peace repeatedly, while walking the journey, carrying backpacks and hats to protect themselves from the cold and the rain. 

 Once arrived in Assisi, the marchers went to the main square and waved the pacifist flag, and said “We are here on this tragic anniversary to take on an extra responsibility, to do what has not yet been done.” They then descended to the tomb of St. Francis for what the organizers described as a moment of "recollection, prayer, and reflection."
