Brothers of Italy leader Giorgia Meloni congratulates Liz Truss on UK premiership

ROME - Giorgia Meloni, party secretary spearheading a likely electoral success for Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d’Italia) in the September 25 election, congratulates the recent premiership of British conservative MP Liz Truss.
 “Congratulations to Liz Truss, the new leader of the British Conservative Party and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The Tories are among the founders of the European Conservative family that I am honoured to chair, and I am sure that, together, we will be able to strengthen our already well consolidated political and cultural collaboration” said on Twitter Meloni, who is also president of the European Conservatives and Reformists Party in the European Parliament.
 Meloni continues to counter the political ambiguity of some of her coalition partners with a decidedly Atlanticist stance. In a conference convened this Sunday, by the consulting firm The European House, in Cernobbio, the leaders of the centre-right met to discuss the theme of economic sanctions. Despite their unitary coalition programme, each party leader expressed a different position on the matter. League Federal Secretary Matteo Salvini did not forego the opportunity to criticise the restrictive economic measures levied on Putin.
 A substantial part of the criticism directed against the right concerns its alleged authoritarian proclivities, registered in episodes of admiration for authoritarian regimes and personalities and in a general distaste towards the supporting beliefs of the Atlantic bloc.
 The leader of Brothers of Italy senses a possible mediatic disaster. She promptly organises a first expedition to Kyiv, a second to Downing Street, as reported by the newspaper Repubblica.
 Two trips, one intention: appear as Atlanticist as possible. Giorgia Meloni puts her cards on the foreign relations table for two reasons: to show herself as reliable as possible internationally and to distance herself from the positions of Lega leader Matteo Salvini.
 Already allied in their membership of the European Conservatives, the two women, inspired by a Thatcherite model, are emblematic of new conservative power, a women’s thing. And Liz Truss - amid radical promises of tax cuts at a time when inflation in the UK could touch some 20 per cent in January - does not fail to condemn the Russian invasion outright, with slogans still more aggressive than her predecessor. Giorgia Meloni can only think of going to shake her hand. After September 25, in turn, she might then seek renewed political cooperation between the two governments.
