Maoists free Italian captive

ROME--Paolo Bosusco has been freed following the release of a rebel leader’s wife from prison, officials say. Bosusco, 54, was snatched along with Claudio Colangelo nearly a month ago, on March 14 while the two Italians were trekking in a tribal area of Orissa state in East India. Colangelo was released by the rebels last month.

Bosusco’s freedom follows the release of Indian Maoist leader Sabyasachi Panda’s wife, Milli Panda, alias Subhashree Das, on Tuesday. Her release was one of several demands made by the kidnappers which named several other jailed rebels and guerrilla suspects who they wanted to see freed.

Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Giulio Terzi, said: "A very risky and complex situation is coming to an end."

The “important outcome fills us with great satisfaction,” he added. “We also owe a debt of gratitude to the State authorities of Orissa and New Delhi for their collaboration.”

Terzi stressed that the Ministry is working hard to also free the two Italian naval officers Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, who are currently being held in an Indian jail for shooting and killing two Indian fishermen who they mistook for pirates. “We share the anguish of these hours. The foreign ministry is at their side and continues in its attempts to resolve the situation in a positive manner."