'Children of Gaza feel death is imminent' Queen Rania tells Vatican summit on children’s rights

 ROME – The traumas reported by the children of Gaza under the bombings are a black hole, like a ferocious monster that paralyses their little hearts. Not only is there the cold, the hunger, the fear but something much worse that completely undermines their will to live, described Queen Rania of Jordan Monday in the Vatican.

 This betrayal of children appears to have no borders, with the fact that undoubtedly both Ukrainian and Israeli children, who survived October 7. have also suffered this.

 Little Gazans no longer dream of becoming explorers, doctors or footballers, when they grow up said Queen Rania, citing a study which claims that 96 percent of children in Gaza reported feeling that their death was imminent. 

 “Almost half said they wanted to die. Not to become astronauts or firefighters, like other children, they wanted to be dead.”

 Her speech was undoubtedly powerful as it echoed down the frescoed walls of Vatican, where the Pope had called a summit on children’s rights. 

 Another issue raised at the event was the fact that 460 million children flee from conflicts, more than 1 billion live in countries at a very high risk due to climate impact and it is estimated that in 2025 213 million will need humanitarian assistance. 
