Winners to be announced in 'Jewellery for the Jubilee' competition

 ROME - On Dec. 2, a selection of jewellery items designed in celebration of the Jubilee will be revealed, making up the winners of a special competition launched by Confcommercio. 

 The competition, called 'Jewellery for the Jubilee', was announced around a year and a half ago in order to spotlight the work of Roman artisans, who were tasked with creating pieces that celebrate the forthcoming Jubilee celebrations. Goldsmiths, fashion designers and jewellers have been working on pieces that tie into the themes of the Jubilee - namely, 'the relationship between innovation, spirituality and hope'. 

 Confcommercio, an organisation that represents over 700,000 businesses in Italy, sought to involve a variety of jewellers, also encouraging participation from art school students as well as professional individuals. 

 They hope that the competition will showcase the talent present in Rome's design industries as well as bring people together so that 'Rome becomes a team'. 

 There will be four prizes up for grabs on Dec. 2: the best piece in gold, the best piece according to aesthetic criteria, the best matching fashion accessory, and the best design by someone in school. 

 The competition also has the patronage of Rome's Sapienza University and the partnership of the Italian Fashion Association. 

