Italian armed forces set to wage war on wild boar

  ROME -- The armed forces will now be able to “fight” wild boar thanks to a new agricultural decree created in a bid to contain the booming boar population. 

  The agricultural decree, formally the decree law 15 May 2024 n. 63, “urgent provisions for agricultural, fishing and aquaculture businesses, as well as businesses of national strategic interest”, was formally converted into Italian law in July. Under the new regulations, the armed forces can be deployed, along with other preventative measures, to help regulate and contain the wild boar population due to the ongoing African Swine Fever outbreak. 

  The armed forces will not be chasing the boar through the streets just yet, the troops may only be deployed “after attending specific training courses and using suitable equipment.” With a contingent of 177 officers for only 12 months, 3 million euros has been set aside for the project in 2024 and 2025. Military officers “can use the armament equipment which they are supplied where compatible with the activities as per paragraph 1” 

  The weapons already used by the army, particularly the ammunition and individual assault rifles are not quite 'boar-friendly'. However, if the existing equipment were to be replaced by more appropriate models, the cost would likely come at the detriment of personal salaries. 

