Digital accordion festival returns to Rome

ROME - The International Festival of the Digital Accordion is back to the Eternal City for the sixth time. In the Sala Sinopoli of Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, Saturday, November 3, 2012 at 21 as many as 15 countries compete for the coveted title in a musical performance from various genres.
Brazil, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, England, Canada, Italy, Spain, France, China, United States, Japan, Finland and Russia, as finalists in the events that Roland has organized internationalyl during the year, will be the protagonists of an exciting contest centred around the V-Accordion. The digital accordion is the result of the synergy between Italian creativity and Japanese technology, an instrument equipped with a powerful sound shaping system, which, thanks to initiatives such as this, has been growing in popularity on the international music scene.
The evening, hosted by actress and singer Mascia Foschi, will stage the laser creations of Ralf Schink, who far beyond combining music and light, aims to make music with light. Every touch of the laser strings with the fingers produces a sound in real time, in a spectacular performance that the German virtuoso keyboardist is bringing to the most sought-after international audiences.
The program even includes modern jazz dance thanks to the choreography and performance of the group Little Company directed by Gian Giuseppe Russo, who takes expression of the soul as a source of inspiration and dominant part of the implementation of the choreographic movement.
This year's technical jury will be made up of winners of five previous editions. That is, chronologically, by Uwe Steger (Germany), Tini Pertulla (Finland), Grayson Masefield (New Zealand), Wang_Han_zhi (China) and Pietro Adragna (Italy), flanked by "senior" Vojin Vasovic (Serbia) and Vyacheslav Semenov (Russia), chairman of the jury.
A team of journalists from the specialized national press will decide the winner of The Ronald Lankford Journalists Award plaque dedicated "to the musician who best exemplifies the spirit and passion of the V-Accordion" and named after the eponymous very active member of the Roland, who passed away a couple of years ago.
Roland, with its digital accordion with evolving technology, wants in this way to contribute to further expanding the image of an instrument capable of reproducing the sounds of all accordions within the limitation of the use of the bellows.
Admission to the event is free, upon collection of the special voucher at the Infopoint Auditorium Parco della Musica.
Auditorium Parco della Musica, viale P. De Coubertin, 30.
Saturday 3 November , 2012 – 21.00
Infoline Auditorium: 06 80241281
Roland Europe spa - Zona Industriale
Via L. Da Vinci,11 -63030 Acquaviva Picena (AP)