Davide Carbone's new book details an adventure filled life exploring the sea

ROME – In this unusual biography Davide Carbone recounts how he escaped from a dreary office job and an ungratifying daily routine to realise his dream of a life of adventure and fulfilment. First as a deep sea diving instructor and then as a skipper, he explores the fascinating world of the sea in some of the most remote and uncontaminated areas of the world.
He accompanies his descriptions with a series of videos that readers can watch on Youtube, under the title “Carpe Diving”, the name of his own personal diving company, founded after a series of setbacks and near tragedies, including the unexpected development of deep vein thrombosis in his leg just one month after he acquired his diving instructor's certificate.
Against doctors' advice, Davide returned to his world of coral reefs, dolphins, whales and turtles, overcoming this potentially dangerous condition and explaining how he achieved his goal through the practice of yoga techniques and application of the theory of the Laws of Attraction.
The book, in fact, is essentially a quest, not only for a life of independence and physical freedom, but also for the achievement of self knowledge and inner peace of mind.
Translated version in English of the Italian original: “Solo il Cielo Sopra di Me”.
ONLY THE SKY ABOVE ME: ten years of an unconventional life by DAVIDE CARBONE
Available on Amazon.