Orange weather alert for southern Italy, Sardinia

 ROME – As the wave of bad weather that has pounded Italy for days continues, a new alert has been issued for the Tyrrhenian zones, with an orange warning for Campania, Calabria, central-northern Sardinia and large areas of Basilicata.

 A yellow alert, meanwhile, has been issued for Veneto, parts of Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia and northern Sicily.

 In Venice, the high tide could peak at 105 centimetres tomorrow evening.

 Italy’s Civil Protection body has warned Emilia-Romagna and Veneto this evening will be hit by heavy rainfall accompanied by hail, lightning and strong gusts of winds.

 Gale force winds have been forecast for Abruzzo, Molise, Fruili Venezia Giulia, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna.

 The fire brigade responded Sunday to over a thousand calls for help throughout Italy including for the removal of unsafe trees, to assist with damaged roofs and secure the safety of structures damaged by bad weather.

 Tuscany and Campania were the areas hardest hit.

 In Sarno, in the province of Salerno, residents were to be evacuated, Italian media reports.

 Schools may open in Naples but will remain closed in Baronissi and Bacoli.

 The Agro nocerino sarnese area is underwater with farms flooded, according to Italian farmers’ union Coldiretti (Salerno).

 Tragically, bad weather has contributed to the death of Coast Guard Aurelio Visalli, 40, who drowned Saturday after heroically diving in to save two teenagers who got into trouble in rough seas. Mr Visalli’s body was found by his colleagues after washing up on shore in Milazzo.
