FNSI express solidarity with Jewish community

Italian National Press Federation

ROME - The Italian National Press Federation (FNSI) announced their solidarity with the Jewish community affected and offended by the resurgence of anti-Semitism that took place in Paris and in Italy.

 Raffaele Lorusso and Giuseppe Giulietti, general secretary and president of the FNSI, released a statement urging “each citizen and journalist to react firmly and to honor values ​​of respect for the dignity and differences that underlie the European Treaties, the Constitution and professional deontology.”

 “The aggression carried out towards Jewish philosopher Alain Finkielkraut by the yellow vests has made us relive some of the saddest events of the 20th century. In the same way, words like those pronounced by Vittorio Feltri are no longer tolerable, and they tickle the worst instincts of Holocaust deniers,” the statement added.
