Moroccan man murdered by vengeful Aprilians

APRILIA - A man-hunt in Aprilia ended in murder as locals beat a Moroccan man to his death for stealing, police officials report.  

 A 43-year-old Moroccan, believed to be a thief, was murdered by the bare hands of his pursuers, after a car chase which drove him to crash into a wall. The autopsy is yet to reveal whether the fatal injuries were caused by the car crash, or by the violent beating.

 The two attackers are yet to be arrested, and they face the charge of manslaughter.

 The incident took place late into the night on Saturday, at 1.40am. The main road which leads into Aprilia was being guarded that night by some locals; it’s unclear whether they were waiting for the victim in an organised ambush or whether they were simply gathered there. The investigators have chosen to overlook this detail, as it is also a road where children play.

 At around 1.30am, a car with a foreign license plate entered the road. Witnesses on the street report that the driver, on seeing the group of people waiting, immediately made a sharp U-turn and accelerated. Three locals jumped into their cars to pursue the foreign car. Ten minutes later, on Via Nettunense, the car crashed and the man was beaten to his death.

 Video surveillance footage shows the driver of the foreign car leaving the car and escaping, while the other was victim to the beatings as he was injured from the crash and unable to run away.

 The victim had a criminal record, and indeed, there was a stolen rucksack found in the crashed car containing a crowbar.

 The two Aprilian locals who inflicted the beatings are still at large. Both men are in their forties and both are wanted for manslaughter. Witness statements confirm that there is “absolutely no way to deny the evidence of what they did.” 

 The law is that even if death is not intended by the attacker, if death is the result, they are guilty for manslaughter.
