Spirit of Naples captured in new Monopoly edition

Photo from romeanditaly.com

NAPLES - The newest edition of the much-loved board game Monopoly has been unveiled, and it features the coastal city of Naples. Hasbro, the makers of the game, has announced its decision to produce “personalised” Monopoly board editions based on major cities around Europe.

 Naples was preferred over other Italian destinations such as Florence and Venice, as it is “a more fashionable city in this period,” according to Fausto Cerutti, Italy’s manager for Winning Moves, a company that holds the rights to European local editions of Monopoly.

 The board will feature 22 well-known city streets, from Viale Kennedy to Piazza Municipio. Cerutti added that “in creating the game we were careful to avoid stereotypes, so there are no pizzas, mandolins or spaghetti.”

 In an interview with Diregiovani, the Winning Moves manager spoke about Naples having “her whole [own] spirit,” and that local Neapolitan enterprises are very easy to represent as they have their own special Naples brand.

 The board has been designed by 40 people over a 6 month period, and 12 thousand copies have been produced thus far.
