Polish authorities want rapists extradited

Rimini beach

RIMINI- The Polish government has asked that the four young men, responsible for the rape and attack of a Polish couple in Rimini, Aug. 25, be extradited and to go on trial in Poland Monday.

 The Polish vice minister for justice, Patryk Jaki, explained that Poland wished to extradite the four criminals who raped a Polish girl on the beach of the Adriatic resort and beat up her boyfriend. Mr Jaki suggested that the four criminals should have to face severe punishment for having committed such a crime. The Polish authorities have also opened their own investigation into the events reports Il Messaggero. Of the four rapists, the three youngest have all confessed to the crime. They are minors aged 15, 16 and 17 respectively.

 Their "leader" however, still denies the accusations. Indeed, whilst in front of the public prosecutor in Rimini who questioned him Sunday, the 20-year-old Congolese, Guerlin Butungu, is reported to have said that he knew nothing of the crimes. "Having been to a party on the beach, I had a drink and a half and then I fell asleep", he is alleged to have said to the investigators.