University Prof says 'students do not know how to write'

Emma Nardi of Roma Tre University

 ROME -- A professor from the University of Roma Tre, Emma Nardi, has been sending back illiterate and grammatically incorrect emails from her students since 2010 with corrections, claiming that university students “need to learn to write an email," Italian daily Il Fatto Quotidiano reports Tuesday.

 The professor, convinced that students of today do not know the Italian language well enough to write coherently and eloquently, has created a project to reteach Italian to the younger generation.

 Nardi claimed, “I thought I had to do something for my students. I imagined them writing poorly formed and grammatically incorrect sentences to future bosses, when I know that those few lines which accompany their CVs are their ticket in.”

 “The most frequent errors,” the professor went on, “are regarding accents,” yet the list goes on to include syntax and punctuation errors, grammar mistakes and mixing up of tenses.

 “Nobody teaches them to write a line, neither in university nor in High School. Hence why they end up in this situation,” Nardi claimed, hoping that her extra classes and scrupulous attention to grammar will make a big difference.
