'Picasso-Méditerranée’ project commenced in Venice

Mediterranean Landscape, 1952 - Pablo Picasso

 VENICE -- The ‘Picasso-Méditerranée’ project has begun in Venice, an international convention dedicated to the study of the life and works of Pablo Picasso, held over a two-day period at the Giorgio Cini Foundation.

 From Thursday to Friday, supported by the Institute of the History of Art and in collaboration with the Picasso Museum of Paris, directors of the most prestigious international museums which house the works of the great artist shall celebrate and commemorate the masterpieces of Pablo Picasso.

 The convention intends to explore and analyse the link between Picasso and Mediterranean culture, studying how his numerous travels may have influenced him, his works, his outlook and imagination.

 For more information: arte@cini.it // www.cini.it
