Camorra crackdown in Naples

NAPLES – The Provincial Command of Naples mobilised a huge anti-camorra operation Monday to capture 90 people accused of having “varying levels of involvement” in the fraternity ‘D’Amico’, a Neapolitan security official reports.

 More than 300 police officers have been mobilised to tackle and put a stop to the actions of this group of organised criminals. This clan is reported to be the control room of all illicit activity that takes place in the outskirts of the city and has been for some time, an elusive target for police forces.

 The DDA (the power of attorney) have ordered a precautionary arrest, hailing from the head tribunal office of Naples, on a number of charges: an association that has criminal purpose of a Mafioso genre, homicide, blackmail, drug trafficking, the detention and mis-use of firearms.

 The neighbourhood of Conocal, which the investigators believe is the hub of the criminal activity, has been encircled by security forces and all activity in this area is under vigilant police control. The authorities are keeping a close eye on those who they believe are playing key roles in the organisation of the clan’s activity, alleged to be mostly roles filled by women.

 It is reported that the police have got leads to follow, but as yet, confirmed information is thin on the ground. The clan’s network, which is diffused throughout the entire neighbourhood, is proving slippery work for the authorities, but they are confident that they are getting closer to cracking down on the illicit activity that is currently a part of the area’s everyday life.
