Renzi to wake up 'sleeping beauty' Italy

Renzi at Georgetown University. Photo: ANSA.

WASHINGTON – In his first official visit to the US capital, the Italian PM emphasises his commitment to reform.

In a speech at Washington’s Georgetown University, Prime Minister Renzi likens his country to a “sleeping beauty” which has been “in the woods for too long.” He added: "We are here to wake it up, to give direction for the future. It's not possible to backtrack on the reforms. It would be crazy to waste this opportunity."

Renzi provided further details to this message via a post on Facebook, stating that the future can be given this ‘direction’ by “energy, the commitment that we have put into reforms over the past years: electoral laws, institutional architecture, limited companies, the treasury, the Jobs Act, justice, the fight against corruption, good education [and] innovation.” Moreover, in a recent interview with Italian daily La Repubblica, the politician stated that he is willing to amend the government's constitutional reform bill, in order to make it possible for the Senate to remain an elected assembly.

Prime Minister Renzi is also set to meet US President Barack Obama at the White House during his visit. There, the two leaders are expected to discuss a number of issues, ranging from Islamic State militants to a pending trade pact between the US and Europe, as well as Libya, even though Washington has shown itself to get involved with this.