Local Sicilian politician ‘knew’ his killer

Photo Credit: Fanpage.it

AGRIGENTO – The murder of a former president of the municipal council of Favara, in the province of Agrigento, Sicily, shot dead at a downtown bar on Sunday afternoon, has all the hallmarks of “plan” concocted by a person who knew the victim well, Agrigento News reports.

Salvatore Lupo, 45, an entrepreneur in the sector of residences for the elderly and handicapped, is believed to have arrived at the bar in his Porsche Macan at around 6 p.m. on Aug. 15 – Ferragosto – a national holiday in Italy.

The killer fired two shots at Lupo while he was leaving the bathroom. Carabinieri are reviewing video surveillance footage in the area to identify the murderer.

Witnesses have reported a quarrel between Lupo and a relative in front of the same bar in recent weeks. 
